Second time labor, unmedicated at St. Joe’s

Carol reached out to me about documenting the upcoming arrival of her baby. We chatted on the phone and had an immediate connection as we talked about her birth plan. She let me know that her partner as well as her mother who was visiting from Brazil would be supporting her at her birth. This would be her second time in labor.

Carol had chosen to give birth at St. Joes Hospital in Denver, and her plan was to have an unmedicated birth if possible.

Carol let me know around 10 am that morning that labor had started and she labored at home until about 5 pm. When I met them shortly after they arrived at the hospital they were still being admitted in triage. Labor was picking back up as they relocated and got settled in their room. As soon as she could she got into a warm bath where it was nearly dark except for the warm glow of the LED candles. Her music playlist, the darkness and the water seemed to help as she headed towards transition.

Once it was time to push Carol made her way back out to the bed and within minutes baby’s head came quickly. She reached down with her hand to feel the head as she pushed her baby out and he was born at 9:46 pm.

After snuggling for a few moments and waiting to let the cord stop pulsing as she had requested, baby was turned over, Grandma cut the cord and they realized they had a son! So much joy!


Birth of Adelaide Skye